How can shift workers boost nutrition and sleep?
The biggest problem for shift workers is that Melatonin & Serotonin – two neuro-chemicals in the brain that help you sleep – get imbalanced with shift work & circadian rhythms go “out”.
This brings about the increase in conditions like:
- digestive upsets
- obesity
- heart disease
- some cancers
- more accidents because of sleepiness during the daytime
- mood changes
and the decrease in your body to heal and repair itself, normally – which is a result of your body’s HGH (Human Growth Hormone) not releasing every night at a certain time. This damages the DNA over time and increases internal damage (ageing) of all internal systems…
To Help Manage These Health Issues
**Foods that help as your last meal before planned sleep:-
– spinach, pumpkin seeds, yoghurt, black beans, avocados & dark chocolate – these are full of magnesium
Cottage cheese – helps promote serotonin, as well as melatonin rich foods like walnuts, almonds, berries, bananas, prunes, raisins & plums
Also, these additions help considerably:
- Have a Protein Shake before bed – protein helps trigger one of your neuro chemicals to start sleepiness (Almond Milk is good here too if don’t eat dairy)
- Take Magnesium at bedtime – this is a muscle relaxant & will help you wind down
- Planning meals so that you have lean protein at every meal – spaced 4hrly apart and keeping to a regular pattern of eating (like a normal day) loaded with a variety of fresh greens to help the liver stay “clean”, detoxify more and increase metabolism
- Keep protein sources varied – eg. nuts & seeds are fantastic and fuel your brain, as well as make you feel full & help with digestive issues
- Extra Vit D is needed to increase immunity & also stimulate the uptake of other nutrients converting to energy in the body -2-4mg p/day
- Melatonin in its most natural form (ie. not synthetic) can be beneficial – look for a pharmaceutical brand
- Protandim AntiOxidant Activator – this helps repair DNA damage from free radical damage at a rate of 1,000,000,000 x faster than taking antioxidants alone.
Click here for some published medical studies on reduction of oxidative stress with Protandim & here for oxidative stress & shift work
This also helps your OWN antioxidants increase – one of which is Glutathione (hard to supplement with) – by 300% and is responsible for repairing, regenerating and anti-ageing all the body’s normal processes – ie. you will feel LESS TIRED
Other Health Tips for Shift Workers
- No Caffeine – 6hrs before planning to sleep
- No blue light or phones 2-3hrs before planning to sleep or use Blue Light Glasses – this is what damages your Melatonin release from your brain (the neuro-chemical that makes you want to sleep)
- Nap – 20-45mins is ideal time
- No heavy meals or processed carbs or sugar 4hrs before planning to sleep
- Try a herbal tea – like Camomile, Ginger, Licorice Root…anything except black tea – to create a “ritual” around bedtime
- Skincare routine – use the action of “washing your face” as a “cleansing the end of the day” and it will trigger neuro-chemicals to start sleep
NB – All supplements & wellness products (ex Melatonin) can be obtained through my online business – speak to me first for your best options