a better body beauty offer

Chakra Balancing Massage

a deeply relaxing and unblocking massage

A Chakra Massage is a deeply relaxing treatment that focuses on shifting emotional blocks that are held in the muscles.

Your physical body give you “clues” as to what is deeply unbalanced by creating tension, aches & pains, headaches and much more.
Long standing disease in the body is believed to be where the “chakras” or energy centres in your body become stagnant. This massage uses a variety of massage techniques to gently move and ease the “flow” of chi (energy), release “stuck” chakra energy based on traditional TCM to re-energise and create vitality emotionally, mentally and physically.

As a qualified Holistic Aromatherapist of over 25+yrs, I believe many of our health issues are deeply rooted in our emotions. When we can’t OR are unable to shift energy blockages, our entire health and well being is compromised.

With this special treatment you will experience a rejuvenating massage that is both calming and result-driven depending on your personal needs for balance.

"Having Vicky do my Chakra massage is nowhere near a normal massage. Not only does she concentrate on the areas that are blocked, she communicates and let's you know what your body is trying to say. I love it and it feels amazing every time!"

Book today

Chakra balancing Massage
$ 117 1 Hour


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