A Natural Menopause Treatment Australia Can Trust

Thrive Through Menopause

A 6 Week self-paced course to help you confidently navigate & thrive into Menopause, Naturally

Next Course Begins August 12 - Hurry Spots Filling Fast!

Are you going through Peri-Menopause?

Does the thought of menopause fill you (and your family) with dread at the prospect of becoming a moody, unpredictable, hot flushing mess? Or perhaps you’re already in menopause, and the sleepless nights and brain fog leave you feeling like a zombie in your own life.

Menopause is a natural process that we all go through, but it doesn’t have to be so unpleasant. Thrive Through Menopause is a self-paced 6-week menopause treatment online program that will help you confidently navigate and thrive into menopause, naturally.

If you find yourself:

  • feeling stressed or anxious, and you’re not sure why
  • having difficulty sleeping
  • gaining weight even though you have a healthy lifestyle
  • at the mercy of swinging or unexplainable moods
  • confused trying to navigate information about what’s happening to your body, or
  • frustrated because you’ve tried following advice from your GP and friends but nothing is working

I’m ready to work with you to make menopause a positive experience you can thrive through to feel more confident, energised, and happy. I am confident that this is the best available natural menopause treatment Australia. 

Hi, I’m Vicky Jamieson

I’m a Qualified Wellness Coach, Beauty Therapist, Holistic Aromatherapist, and Anti-Ageing Expert.

My mission is to help women overcome unnecessary hormonal symptoms that make life more challenging.

Combining my own personal experience of changing hormones, stress & gut issues, with research and methodologies from eastern and western wellness philosophies that have stood the test of time, I empower women at this stage of life to understand and embrace their bodies so they can step into who they are and live with vitality.

Vicky Jamieson - Natural Menopause Treatment Australia

What's in the Thrive Through Menopause Treatment Australia
Online Course:

  • 6 modules packed with easy-to-digest videos to help you understand what’s happening in your body, where your symptoms come from, and the solutions that will tackle the root cause
  • PDFs and resources you can work through to deepen your understanding of the course content
  • a private Facebook community where you can seek support and share your learnings and wins
  • a personalised selection of natural, anti-ageing products and recommendations for your skincare and wellness
  • a 1:1 call with Vicky to create a specific plan to address your symptoms and identify your highest priorities to correct them

PLUS you receive Lifetime Access, so you can revisit the modules as you need to while you’re navigating your menopause treatment journey.

Together we’ll take a holistic approach to how hormones are affecting your body and how you can support your different systems to work together. My approach is based in science, but without the jargon.

This course also introduces ancient eastern methodologies like Ayurvedic, TCM and herbal medicine, that complement Western medicine so have all the tools you need to make the right changes for YOUR body from the root cause, for sustained vitality.

In Your Course We’ll Cover..

  • What’s happening when your hormones change, and how it affects other systems in your body.
  • Gut health and how that impacts your energy, sleep, and mood.
  • How to keep your liver functioning optimally (and why that’s important).
  • How eastern philosophy meets western lifestyles to create better flow with less resistance.
  • Your PMT personality, and how you can work with it instead of fighting it.
  • Effective rituals you can easily add to your day, including skin rituals for firm, glowing skin.

Together, we can make Menopause a positive experience, more enjoyable and something that you can THRIVE through to feel more confident, energised and happy.

Riding my bike one Saturday with Vicky, I was sharing my frustrations about my weight gain, lack of motivation coupled with a serious absence of patience for my family. Vicky turned her head towards me, gingerly suggesting these were the first symptoms of menopause. BOOM! I didn’t know there were early signs of menopause. Menopause was not on my radar at 44 years of age. I was naive about the myriad first signs of menopause, nor the ages it strikes. A deeper dialogue continued where I realised I was not unique in my emotional and physical state of being, PHEW! This resulted in a tailored Thrive Through Menopause program, opening the door to a new life that I am now in control of. I’m ever grateful to that morning I accidentally cycled with Vicky. I got a grip of menopause before it did too much damage to my mental and physical wellbeing, career and loved ones.
Eibhlin Fletcher Menopause Program participant
Eibhlin Fletcher
Business Owner
I was so looking forward to exploring the "Thrive through Menopause" course.

My excitement quickly however turned to profound appreciation for the depth and coverage of the materials. The quality and care Vicky puts into the content is apparent from the get go. Her course is the perfect way to assemble a personalised approach to dealing with menopause.

Having all these various tools and resources now available makes me know that another serious mountain summit can be achieved, something I was doubting before tackling this content.
Menopause Treatment Course Participant
Jeannette McGill

What is it worth to you to stop feeling tired, overweight, unfocussed, stressed and impatient? $10,000.. $5,000.. $2,000 ??

For a limited time, the Thrive Through Menopause Online Course is only $1,298! 

Everything is included in the 6 Week Course - with lifetime access.
Hurry! Reserve Your Spot Today at This Special Price
The next live round begins August 12 and spaces will be strictly limited – secure yours now.
Thrive Through Menopause Course
$ 1,298
  • One Payment
Thrive Through Menopause Course
$ 714 x 2
  • 2 Monthly Payments
2 Payments

There are so many different emotions and symptoms that we go through during this change…

  • Constantly irritable & moody

  • Stressed or anxious

  • Unable to sleep

  • Putting on weight around your tummy


  • Maybe you’re wanting to try Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) but aren’t sure

  • You’ve tried ideas from friends & advice from your doctor but nothing is working

  • You’re finding everything too confusing out there & you’re just not sure where to start or if & what is going to work for YOU.

Natural Menopause Treatment Australia

My mission in life is to help women overcome unnecessary hormonal symptoms that make life more challenging, with a foundation of “ground up” nutrition, wellness structures & awareness, built from not only my own personal experience of changing hormones, stress & gut issues, but based on the methodologies from combining several eastern & western wellness philosophies that have stood the test of time, empowering women at this stage of life to embrace their bodies & helping transform healthy women into powerful women on a purpose, living with vitality without giving up chocolate or wine.

My commitment to you is that after participating in my Thrive Through Menopause course you will feel more confident knowing what you need to do for YOUR symptoms as your hormones change, creating a solid healthy hormone foundation for you to move forward from and enabling you to make positive changes in with your lifestyle on your terms – giving you more energy, less stress, and great skin, while you reclaim your vitality!

Here’s what Julie had to say about Thrive Through Menopause...
I was in the early stages of perimenopause and I wanted to be informed about the journey ahead and how best to prepare and manage the psychological changes and challenges. I was experiencing weight gain, lack of motivation and hot flushes at any time of the day and night. I didn’t want to start with a medical pathway so I looked for a holistic approach for information and this is what attracted me to Thrive Through Menopause. The weekly information sessions are easy to follow and easy to catch up on if you miss a week and support around vitamins and the benefits was one of my favourite contents. I now have a nightly routine and my skin has never been better and I have more energy thanks to the personalised supplements. I am still experiencing hot flushes, however they have become less frequent & I have a better understanding of them which is helping with the journey.
Julie Pierce, Melbourne, VIC

I understand exactly what it’s like to be feeling out of control with a body that is doing something “odd” and you just can’t figure out what has changed. In my early 40’s I was having massive anxiety, “squaring out” in shape (you know the way your waist disappears! Argh!) & finding I was getting muddled & emotional in ways that were just “not me”. I actually thought at one time I might be going crazy because my emotions were all over the place – I can’t believe I’m still married 🙂 haha… And then through some professional upskilling for work that I was doing at the time & a chance conversation with a colleague, I got to thinking… was it my hormones?

What transpired was a complete overhaul of my already “healthy” lifestyle, including looking at food as “fuel for my body” that had a purpose and a better, more effective (& time sensitive) way to deal with daily stress. Because I had a lot on – busy, busy – kids, business owner, social coordinator & hubby that travelled a LOT – so juggling balls all the time and didn’t even realise I WAS stressed!

This has now been the foundation of how I have mentored and taught hundreds of incredible women over the last two+ decades through this phase of life and how I turned my hormonal roller coaster around into an even-keeled “happy hormone” situation, with very few menopausal side-effects & I know that I can help you too.

I used to think that eating well (ie. healthy) and having an exercise routine meant I would be OK. I now know that it is so much more than that – at a deeper level…a truly holistic view of the body (physically, mentally and emotionally) brings about so much more joy, calmness and alignment with who you are and what you stand for and contribute to in the world. Click one of the buttons below and involve yourself in our natural menopause treatment Australia can trust.

Reserve Your Spot Today at This Special Price
The next live round begins August 12 and spaces will be strictly limited – secure yours now.
Thrive Through Menopause Course
$ 1,298
  • One Payment
Thrive Through Menopause Course
$ 714 x 2
  • 2 Monthly Payments
2 Payments
This program is for you if...
  • You want to reclaim your energy & sort the yoyo emotions out.

  • You need to find a way to sort through the brain fog and weight that keeps stacking on, without going on another diet.

If you’re suffering from any or all of the following:

  • Sagging skin that lacks elasticity and firmness

  • You are tired all the time and just accept being told you are ‘no spring chicken’

  • Constantly interrupted sleep, then you stay awake worrying about your lack of sleep

  • Hot flushes that hit you for no reason, especially in bed at night

  • Uncontrollable mood swings, teary and irritable for no reason

  • Can’t think properly and lose your train of thought regularly

  • Feeling lethargic, losing enthusiasm for life and no sex drive

  • You put on weight easily even though you are eating the ‘right’ foods

  • Serious lack of patience, out of love with your partner and impatient with colleagues

I’ll support you through it all as well as having a community of cheerleaders behind you, with like-minded women in this group that “get you” and what you are going through.

After This Program You Will...
  • Sleep better, with new VITALITY each day
  • Have a clear head & manage your stress levels better
  • Optimise the best weight for you & know the root-cause of weight gain according to YOUR personality & body type – so you keep focused on nutrition vs diet
  • Have a clear pathway with systems & foundations to build upon based on your current wellness, so you can continue to thrive year on year
  • Have amazing skin that your girlfriends are jealous of!
Here’s what Shelley had to say about Thrive Through Menopause...
I decided to do this programme as a means of empowering my journey through this phase in my life by gaining knowledge, understanding, practical help and tips and building a supportive “community”. Vicky’s programme ticked most of these boxes for me! The quality of the information is excellent and delivered in an easy to use and understand manner. Her practical tips and recommendations are extensive and would appeal to a wide variety of women. You can pick and choose what you would like to adopt in your life. I certainly have started a number of new practises which have been very beneficial to me. Vicky is very easy to chat to and is a fantastic living example of how well her programme works!
Menopause course participant Shelley
Shelley Hyne, Melbourne, VIC
Reserve Your Spot Today at This Special Price
The next live round begins August 12 and spaces will be strictly limited – secure yours now.
Thrive Through Menopause Course
$ 1,298
  • One Payment
Thrive Through Menopause Course
$ 714 x 2
  • 2 Monthly Payments
2 Payments
Banish The 'Menopause Blues'
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Complete this super-short quiz (just 4 questions) and I’ll send you my free guide:

5 Things To Do To Feel Like Yourself Again

A practical guide with real advice for women like you, who are 40+ and ready to jump off the hormone rollercoaster and take back control!