Make Sure You MOVE

Fresh Air is BEST

Research shows that being outside maximises your energy by increasing your Oxygen uptake, and by breathing heavier with cardio based exercise you will also be pushing OUT toxins quicker too.

Parks, forests & beside the ocean are the optimal places to exercise (there’s always something in your neighbourhood so schedule it into your daily routine).

The trees and plants take up Carbon & other toxins from the air & pump out Oxygen – which you need to recharge yourself with; this keeps the mind clearer too by triggering serotonin & other dopamines – happy chemicals in your brain to also trigger better immunity.

Click here to find out how to reduce oxygen damage to your body


Picture of Vicky Jamieson

Vicky Jamieson

Vicky is a qualified Health and Nutrition Consultant and has been helping women live healthier more fulfilled lives for over 25 years.

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